Sunday, October 20, 2013

Baby Nephews! :)

It's been a while since last post! Last year of High School is very busy and I also acquired (haha, I can't think of another verb for this) two nephews in the past 2ish weeks!! 
Nephew #2 basinet label, who was born on Eid ul Adha! :) 

My sister and sister-in-law both had boys 11 days apart. Since I'm on fall break this past week and upcoming week, it's been fun to spend time with my sister's son! :) (I think he likes me. We'll pretend 2 week olds can express affection to their aunts)

I finally bought a few things for my nephews! We were at Target today and I liked a few onesies. I should probably get my older nephew Mr. Potato Head like I've been wanting to to keep it even :p (my sister think that's the worst present on Earth, I'm positive it's America's classic toy for a reason...)

My sis-in-law's son is a little brother to my 2 year old nephew! :)

My favorite! I got one of these for both of them

For sister's son :)

The fun thing is (not that I was intending to be a super cheap aunt or anything :p) while I was looking around a Target employee told me about Target's Cartwheel app that I downloaded right then and there (yay wifi!) and found sales on these clothes! The app is pretty nice...I don't shop at Target THAT often, but it seems like you can almost always find a coupon for the things you're shopping for (especially with all the baby stuff my sister will be getting now).

I have lots of pictures of me nephews, not their things as much. But I think I'll do a picture review post after this of some random things :)


  1. Congratulations! You seem like the sweetest aunt and both boys are lucky to have you :)

    When I was in the US, I'd spend hours in the makeup sections of Target, Walmart and CVS.

    1. You are so sweet! Thank you! :)

      My sister-in-law's family (who lives in Saudia Arab) is visiting and they feel the same way! Makeup is so much cheaper here.
